pgsql_tweaks 0.10.5 released

pgsql_tweaks is a bundle of functions and views for PostgreSQL

Published on September 27, 2024 by Stefanie Janine Stölting

PostgreSQL Extension pgsql_tweaks

0 min READ

pgsql_tweaks is a bundle of functions and views for PostgreSQL

The soucre code is available on GitLab, a mirror is hosted on GitHub.
One could install the whole package, or just copy what is needed from the source code.

The extension is also available on PGXN.

General changes

In this release the recommended PostgreSQL version has been changed to 17.

PostgreSQL 11 has been removed from the list of supported versions.

There have been no new or changed features, therefore this is only a minor release.

Author: Stefanie Janine Stölting